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What’s There to Love About Pakistan?

Pakistanis who move across the world in search of a better life for themselves and their families often find themselves feeling nostalgic for what they left behind. The warmth and comfort of one’s motherland are truly unforgettable. 


We, at One Homes, understand this growing sentiment of overseas Pakistanis and aim to offer them a gateway into investing in their homeland. A vacation home, if you must, that will have all the amenities and luxuries you enjoy in the West, but with the added advantage of having a place of your own in Pakistan. A place you can visit from time to time to enjoy the comfort and charm of the country you call home. 


But some question, if there even is anything to love about Pakistan. Well, we sure think so and you will too. Here is everything that will make you miss your motherland:


The People

Pakistanis have endured everything yet their spirit never diminishes. Regardless of where you end up in Pakistan, you’ll find the people to be the epitome of hospitality. Our hearts are filled with kindness, and we carry it with us wherever we go. However, above all, what sets us apart is the courage and passion we have towards our lives


The Literature

In Pakistan, we love Urdu. Whether in the form of poetry or a novel, one can easily get lost in the words, wishing to remain so. The creative talent of this country is often overshadowed by flashier things. But once you start appreciating the literature here, you won’t find satisfaction in anything else. 


From the grandmasters of poetry, like Amir Khusro and Faiz Ahmad Faiz, to renowned novelists, like Umera Ahmed and Aziz Ahmad, their names live in the hearts of every true Pakistani, no matter where they reside. 


Young Talent

We celebrate the amazing young men and women who’ve transformed – and are transforming – Pakistan’s cultural landscape. From inspirational film directors to phenomenal singers to unstoppable entrepreneurs to exceptional sports talent, this nation is brimming with people of great potential. What makes our talent stand out is the life they have lived—one without the privileges and lifestyle often available in the West.



We all know the sweet tooth people in Pakistan have is hard to find anywhere else. To cater to this love for sweets, the nation is known for its heavenly desserts that are unmatched anywhere in the world. From Gulab Jamuns to Barfis, there is nothing that beats a delicious serving of ‘mithais’, otherwise known as ‘sweetmeats’. Another dessert that goes unrivalled in Pakistan is the crispy, hot-off-the-pan ‘jalebi’, a treat that tastes like everything is right in the world. This nation of sweet-tooth people has revolutionised some of the Western desserts as well, making them sweeter and more delicious than ever before. 


This list just briefly highlights things that make Pakistan truly special. We are not just patriots in name; we deeply love Pakistan and actively advocate for everything it stands for. This is the foundation upon which One Homes was built.


We provide secure investment opportunities for overseas Pakistanis, allowing them to enjoy the beauty and charm of their motherland in the vacation home of their dreams. Our living destinations are equipped with world-class amenities and are built in collaboration with globally renowned partners to offer you the epitome of luxury in your very own motherland.

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